When I joined CRM Science in 2017, I had no idea what a road bike was. Apparently, a street bike has a motor and a road bike doesn’t, and the two are not to be confused. As a new lab coat, my colleagues told me about the company’s philanthropic involvement with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the annual CRM Science City to Shore BikeMS ride. “We ride in the summer,” they said. “It’ll be fun!” While I’m always open to extracurriculars, I had never ridden more than a couple of casual miles on a bike. It’s safe to say I was apprehensive to join. But their excitement was contagious, as was the promise of a fun challenge and my desire to support an incredible cause to fight against multiple sclerosis. How could I not sign up for the 25-mile ride across New Jersey?
As an inexperienced rider, I had to borrow a bike to prepare myself for the ride of a lifetime. I also purchased some much-needed bike shorts. That Saturday, I met my teammates in Cherry Hill and set off across New Jersey to Ocean City. The experience went beyond anything I could have imagined. Sure, the hills were challenging and there were moments I thought my legs would never make it to the finish line. But what truly defined my experience was the endless number of inspiring riders I met and the incredible stories they shared about how MS has affected so many lives in various ways. Those living with MS, family, and friends of those battling the disease, and individuals who were simply committed to the cause were part of this powerful community committed to making a change. I hardly have the words to explain the pride I felt while crossing that finish line with thousands of dedicated philanthropists by my side.

I tell my story as a first-time rider for a few reasons:
The results of the ride were outstanding. As a first-year team, we exceeded our goal of $15,000 by raising $21,251. The overall foundation raised nearly $5 million that year!
CRM Science is committed to BikeMS nationally and we want you to join us. We have donated $35,000 thus far in 2019 and it’s exciting to see our team grow significantly year over year. We hope you will help us continue this trend by joining our team.
No matter how much or little experience you have, or how apprehensive you may be to join and ride, you can do it! There are even ways to get involved for those not capable of riding. Not only is the experience rewarding on a personal level - the impact it makes on the fight against Multiple Sclerosis is phenomenal.
Am I riding again this year? Absolutely, yes. The question is, will you? Click here to find a ride near you or to support the MS Society!

Written by Leah Whitton, Success Coordinator